REM Elaboration

REM Mass or Dimensions?

It’s the mass that counts, not the dimensions

If the mass of a planet is computed only from its orbit, then a measurement of its ”acceleration of gravity” should give a different mass from that determined only from its radius in its local frame of reference. Has this comparison been done for the moon?

If a universal radius based acceleration constant, Ar, could be calculated from the radius of the earth, Re , and g at the surface:
Re = 6,371 km
ArRe = g = 9.81 m/sec2
Ar = (9.81 m/sec2)/6,371 km = 1.54 x 10^-6 /sec2

Then for a planet of radius R the surface acceleration outward would be
ar = ArR = 1.54 x 10^-6/sec2 x R

For the moon, R = 1,737 km this gives
gm = 1.54 x 10^-6/sec2 x 1,737 km = 2.67 m/sec2 for the radius based case.

But the official moon gravity is, gm = g x mm/me
Earth mass = me 5.972 x 10^24 kg
moon mass = mm 7.347 x 10^22 kg
gm = 9.81 m/sec2 x mm/me = 1.11 m/sec2

In the famous hammer and feather drop video by Apollo 15 astronaut, David Scott, on the moon they both take close to t = 1.3 seconds (from frame accurate video measurement) to fall about d = 1.2m (4 ft).

d = ½gmt2
gm would have to be = 2d/t2 ≈ 1.42 m/sec2

d would have to be ~2.25 m (~7.4 ft) for gm = 2.67 m/sec2. No good! It must be the mass, not the dimensions, as I originally thought, that determines the radial acceleration, and thus conforms to general relativity. So the moon gravity test falsifies expansion by dimensions.

However, calculating Ar is a lot harder than this, and needs to be done in the quantum realm. Any takers?

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