Relational database tables:
For Members only:
- Contacts - the connection hub for all other tables
- Profiles - related to contacts to contain profiles for all members
- Reviews - reviews by public & members
- Responses - responses to reviews by the reviewed members
- Projects - to support project seeds, management and documentation
- Matching - related to Projects to match resources with needs
- Feedback - member feedback on projects
- Collaborators - members collaborating on projects
- Tasks - project tasks, target and completion dates
- Needs - project needs
- Exchanges - resources on offer for exchange
- Spread - archive of Spread the Word message sent by UP
- Survey/voting management tables
Mature Projects - mature projects released to the public - possibly not a table, but a flag in the Project record
Database tables record fields
1st draft
- contact ID - primary index - unique record number
- profile ID
- review ID
- Prefix
- First Name
- Middle Initial(s)
- Last Name
- Suffix
- Title
- Organization
- Org flag - if this is an organization contact with the (required) designated contact named above
- Status - codes: M = Member, P = Probation, X = Exiled, B = Banished, non-member
- treatment - codes: I = inactive-omitted from searches-as if deleted
- email
- doNotMail - flag to opt out of receiving mailings from other contacts except UT staff
- website - name
- URL - website URL
- phone - preferred phone #
- street
- line2
- city
- postCode
- box
- notes
- userName
- pw - accessible by Staff privileged or above
- reviews *
- privilege - codes: A = Admin - full RW access to all fields, S = Staff - full read access, limited write access, = limited read access
- dateAdded
- dateModded - date last modified
The entries into many fields in the tables below can be short descriptionss or links to long ones, as appropriate.
- profile ID - primary index
- contact ID
- bio - brief bio
- interests
- skills
- quests
- activities
- education
- awards
- sharables
- notes
- dateAdded
- dateModded - date last modified
- review ID - primary index
- contact ID
- posCount
- negCount
- responses ID - responses by contact ^Member arbitrators
- posCount
- negCount
- dateAdded
- dateModded - date last modified
- response ID - primary index
- review ID
- contact ID
- response - by contact
- arbitration - response by Member arbitrators
- dateAdded
- dateModded - date last modified
- project ID - primary index
- matching ID
- contact ID
- seed
- plan
- status
- feedback ID
- collaborators ID
- tasks ID
- cronolog
- dateAdded
- dateModded - date last modified
- record ID - primary index
- project ID
- needs ID
- exchange ID
- feedback ID
- dateAdded
- dateModded - date last modified
- record ID - primary index
- project ID
- feedback
- dateAdded
- dateModded - date last modified
- record ID - primary index
- project ID
- contact ID
- role
- tasks - list of task ID's
- dateAdded
- dateModded - date last modified
- task ID - primary index
- project ID
- task
- targDate - target completion date
- compDate - date completed
- notes
- dateAdded
- dateModded - date last modified
- needs ID - primary index
- project ID
- need
- exchange ID - of need fulfilled
- dateF - date fulfilled
- notes ID
- dateAdded
- dateModded - date last modified
- exchange ID - primary index
- exchange - resource offered to exchange for a need
- need ID - need addressed by this exchange
- notes ID
- dateAdded
- dateModded - date last modified
- spread ID - primary index
- contact ID - author
- message - Spread the Word message/li>
- approval - code: S = sent, W = needs work, X = rejected
- notes ID
- dateAdded
- dateModded - date last modified
Survey/voting management tables
I have already deployed a complete polling feature on a client's website using these tables plus associated data entry forms:
- PollID - primary index
- PollName
- PollType - E = election, I = Issue
- Description
- Instructions - to voters
- Eligibility - elegible member status codes or P = public
- VotesPerVoter - for multiple winners
- NumWinners - number of election vacancies to be filled, e.g. board members
- EndDate - last day of voting
- DateMod
- DateCr
- ChoiceID - primary index
- PollID
- First Name - or issue name
- Last Name - or issue tag line
- Suffix
- email
- Description - candidate or issue
- Votes - vote tally
- Date Mod
- Date Cr