How the World Works

Creating Our Own Reality

Not only is the universe stranger than we imagine, it is stranger than we can imagine.

—Sir Arthur Eddington

It is my enduring long explored conviction that the foundation of reality is consciousness, not physics which is a creation of consciousness, not vice-versa, in short, that All That Is is consciousness and we each create our own reality and all together we create mass reality.

My clearest, most respected, most verified by experience teacher is an entity named Seth channeled by Jane Roberts. Dig deeper at Seth.

There are many other wisdom sources, including your own inner wisdom, with varying degrees of believability and positive perspectives. Even without Seth’s refined, extensive, original, deep, influential and always uplifting teachings many traditions, ancient and modern convey the same positive teachings in language relatable for different people in different cultures, different teachers, and different times. Not so long ago broadly teaching that Earth orbits the sun would have been considered ridiculous, so effective teachings had to evolve from common knowledge of the times and culture. Today’s various cultures sail on various belief ships, too many destined to sink soon, but counted by New Age collaborations destined to win and uplift all life on Earth.

When the Seth books first came out, being a no-nonsense design engineer I saw Seth Speaks on a featured table at Boulder’s Barnes & Noble book store. I opened it to a random page expecting amusing new-age baffle-gab. Instead, after a few sentences the loud thought came into my mind. “I knew that, I just didn’t know I knew that” and I was hooked! I read all his books 3 times, first barreling through, second with a yellow highlighter, third to absorb and highlight even more gems. Seth is revered world wide now.

Real wisdom has the same fundamentals in all teachings, summed up beautifully by the Dalai Lama in two words, Be Kind. Seth’s foundational teachings are:

  1. We each totally create our own reality with our desires, beliefs, and expectations.
  2. We collectively create mass reality in concert.
  3. We are never controlled by outside forces, thus we’re totally responsible for our own creations and can’t blame anyone else when things go sour.
  4. We can and often do create joyful, beneficial realities that just get better as we learn the lessons we chose to create in many incarnations.
  5. Consciousness is not a creation of physical reality, just the reverse.
  6. You get what you dwell upon, so dwell on what you want, not in mindless fear of what you don’t want.
  7. Treat what you don’t want as motivated creative challenges to come up with something better. To be ruled by fear is to be easily ruled.
  8. Time and space are human inventions.

Of course in his many books, which are preserved in the Yale library and read world wide, he provides a profound deeply moving vision of a multiverse of diverse beings creating realities “stranger than we can imagine.” For example, he speaks of realities organized on musical intervals instead of time and space!

Even if you don’t yet buy the above, following his principles, with kindness, will convince you like I was convinced and empowered to take on ever bigger challenges by my successes on lesser ones.

The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all previous centuries of its existence.
—Nikola Tesla

Continue with Going With the Flow.

Ted King, Jr. 10-8-24

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